Supayana's story

Feel free to email me if you have any questions! 


Hi! My name is Yana. I started Supayana back in 2003 when I was a university student, back when there was only a handful of people selling online. Before the days of etsy, can you believe it?! My line has gone through many different stages over the last decade- first starting with reconstructed band t-shirts, to recycled clothing, to women's dresses, to adorable kids' clothing, and to homewares!

I introduced a small ceramics line in 2020, made by my talented boyfriend Etienne. His pieces are made in small batches and are very special.

This natural evolution was a reflection of my changing personal styles and taste, and I believe in staying true to myself.  It's very important to me to keep production local and to get to know the people I am working with. I would say that I make 90% of everything myself, but I do work with a wonderful local seamstress on occasion. I'm very proud to support my local economy as I strongly believe we small designers can make a difference in our local economy.